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Delta-9 Gummies Now Live
Delta-9 Gummies Now Live

Abacus Diesel Blunt

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Abacus Diesel is a cross between Abacus™ x Abacus 2.0™ and is indoor grown. This super gassy strain has a very high percentage of terpenes - 3.60%. Nerolidol tests at 1.35%, Myrcene at 0.86%, & Limonene at 0.25%.


CBD: 13.10%

Total Cannabinoids: 17.30%

Terpenes: 3.60%

CBC: 1.80%



Feel: Soothing, Calm, Uplifting


Genotype:  Abacus™ x Abacus 2.0™

Phenotype: Abacus Diesel


*Buds are smaller, dense, tightly trimmed. 

Hemp Flower contains less than .3% Delta 9 THC and is Non-Psychoactive 

For Adult Use Only